Nadra Marriage certificate

Nikah is an Islamic marriage ceremony and contract between a man and a woman. It's a religious tradition that makes a sexual relationship between the couple legal. Key requirements for a valid nikah include mutual consent from bride & groom, the presence of two witnesses, and the payment of a mahr (dowry) from the groom to the bride and with proposal & acceptance from bride & groom .At last a religious leader ( nikah Khuwa ) usually officiates the ceremony, which may involve reciting verses from the Quran .

In Pakistan, a Nikah is registered with the Nikah Registrar and then a Marriage Registration Certificate is issued by the Union Council or Municipal Committee. The Nadra Marriage Certificate is issued by Nadra .These are legal documents that proves the marriage which are registered under section 5 of THE MUSLIM FAMILY LAWS ORDINANCE 1961. and Nikah Registrar will register nikah in relevant union council / administration office / arbitration council / relevant department then a Marriage Registration Certificate is issued by the Union Council or Municipal Committee ,TMA Office, Cantonment Board Office, and Arbitration Council in Islamabad.. The Marriage Registration Certificate is a legal document that proves the marriage.Then relevant department issue the Nadra Marriage Certificate.

Nadra Marriage Registration

Requirements for Nadra Marriage Certificate

  • The bride and groom consent to the marriage of their own free wills.

  • The bride and groom must be adult under section 2 of child marriage restraint act 2017.

  • The bride and groom having cnic or alternative documents, which shows evidence of age like school certificate, birth certificate or b-form.

  • The bride and groom must present in person sign the marriage contract, called a Nikah nama.

  • Dowery amount (haq Mahar ).

  • Min Two witnesses , having cnic .

  • The ceremony is performed by a religious scholar, such as an imam, mufti, sheikh, or mullah.

  • The bride and groom must have two witnesses presons.

  • The nikah registrar require to register the nikah nama.

  • That nikah registrar have license from concern union council field number in city.

  • Signatue and thumb for application for the registration of Nadra Marriage Certificate.

Procedure for Registration of Nadra Marriage Certificate.

  • Fill out a marriage contract (Nikah nama) with details about the bride, groom, and witnesses.

  • Determination of dowery amount in nikah nama column 13,14,15,16 ( Haq Mahar )in details how much , moveable or immoveable capital , non-demanded (majal )and demanded ( gar-majal ).

  • Determine any other condition in nikah nama column 17,18,19.

  • take permission from bride to start nikah ceremony.

  • Have the Nikah performed by an authorized Imam or Nikah Registrar.

  • Three time proposal and acceptance by the bride and groom.

  • Have two witnesses present to ensure the marriage is consensual.

  • sign and thumb by the bride and groom along with witnesses.

  • The registrar will register concern union council , where the registrar got license as a nikah registrar.

  • Signature and thumb for application for the registration of Nadra Marriage Certificate.

  • take the preview or prove reading, if there is any clerical mistake. notify it.

  • The relevant department issue the Nadra Marriage Certificate.

Legal value of Nadra Marriage Certificate.
  • Generally it is english writing paper, there is no reason for translation.

  • Nadra Marriage certificate generally acceptable all over nationally and internationally.

  • Local embassy attest nadra marriage certificate and other country embassy accept only Nadra Marriage Certificate.

  • Nadra Marriage Certificate, bride and groom have created rights , duties and obligation.

  • Nadra will entertain register any document like Cnic , FRC, B-form , session certificate.

  • Family court as will as civil court will protect the rights , duties and obligations of the bride and groom.

  • The bride can change sir name without any difficulty in cnic & passport , when she show her Nadra Marriage Certificate.

  • The bride can modified his detail easy i cnic & passport, when he show his Nadra Marriage Certificate.

  • The union council easy register the child birth certificate.

  • Nadra easy register the B-form of child.

Nikah + Nadra Marriage certificate Process



  • Attested copy of nikah Nama


Court Marriage Nikah Registrar & Khula Divorce Registrar
Nikah + Nadra Marriage Certificate Registration Service