Domestic Violence against women

Domestic Violence against women / خواتین کے خلاف گھریلو تشدد Mughal Law Firm LLP. Muhammad Ali Mughal Advocate 03134266935 03424554455

Muhammad Ali Mughal Advocate 03134266935 / 03424554455

12/13/20221 min read

Domestic Violence

What is domestic violence?

As the ongoing advertising says: “It’s not OK”. Your partner or any member of your family should never use violence to hurt or control you.Violence can be physical, sexual, psychological or financial and can include neglect.

We defines the various forms of family violence as follows.

Psychological violence

Psychological violence to adults or children, which can have long-lasting effects, includes:

Making you feel like everything you do is wrong.Constantly criticising you or your friends.

Humiliating you in front of your friends.

Using unsafe driving to frighten you.

Damaging property/walls/possessions to scare you.

Making you isolated and alone.

Blaming everything on you.

Threatening to take the children away or hurt them.

Stalking, following, checking up on you.

Harming pets to punish you.

Making you feel scared of what might happen next.

Sexual abuse includes:

Forcing you to have sex or do other sexual acts you don’t want to do.

Touching you in a way you don’t want.

Frequently accusing you of sleeping with other people.

Forcing you to watch porn.

Physical abuse includes:

Hitting and punching.

Biting, pushing, choking or pulling your hair.

Making you drink or take drugs when you don’t want to.

Using or threatening to use weapons.

Financial abuse includes:

Taking your money or property.

Running up debts in your name.

Misusing power of attorney.

Pressuring you into paying money.

Neglect includes:

Not providing food, clothing and warmth.

Leaving dependants alone or with someone who is unsafe.

Not providing comfort, attention and love.

Not providing medical treatment.